The Secret Art: A Journey to Awaken the True Self
When I first began exploring alternative wellness and energy healing I had no idea just how transformative the practices could be. Like the eager beaver that I am, I dove in headfirst and began exploring all manner of esoteric practices that claimed they could restore my health.
I was coming out of a period of my life where I had abused my body physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually with substances and a general lack of gratitude for the gift of life. To put it bluntly, I was running from my trauma and this led to a breaking point where my health was failing. The details of my rock bottom aside, I found a way out from underneath the weight of my guilt and shame through Reiki.
My journey with Reiki is a topic that I have spoken about quite a few times over the years in blogs, articles, and podcasts. Though I have trained students in the sacred art of Reiki for over five years I had been reluctant to share what I had learned in a more expansive format.
For years I had been working on a book about Reiki, but I always shelved it, telling myself that I wasn’t ready.
I knew how powerful the system of Reiki had been for me, but I resisted sharing my teachings with the wider world because I didn’t believe I was worthy of transmitting this sacred tradition. The spiritual philosophy had reprogrammed the way I perceived the world and opened me up to far more abundance than I had previously enjoyed. The meditative techniques had brought me peace and tranquility. The self-healing techniques had brought me new levels of health. So why then did I not share this book until now?
Fear. Plain and simple. I was afraid. Cut to about a month ago when I received the motivation and insight to finish the darn manuscript and release it into the wild. My spiritual guides reached out and embraced me saying it was time.
It was then that I realized exactly what this book needed to be about.
It needed to be a comprehensive journey for the reader to explore the self and excavate the true nature of the power of the spirit within. I knew I wanted to speak to the reader about empowerment, authenticity, and abundance but I had no idea how I was going to do that.
Then it hit me. Make the book actionable, make it a journal!
The Secret Art was born. Check it out here on Amazon.
I spent the better part of the last month writing, editing, and designing this beautiful full-color journal so that the reader could dig in and get their metaphysical hands dirty. Reiki is often seen as a healing methodology and it is often forgotten that the system is far more. It is a comprehensive system that aids you in awakening the true self and by that road unlocks new levels of abundance, empowerment, and mindfulness.
An Invitation to Invite Blessings
I want to invite you to join me on this journey because I truly believe that everyone can benefit from the teachings of Reiki. This is something that has not occurred due to the nature of Reiki being a system of transmission from master to student. There are significant issues surrounding gatekeeping in the Reiki community that prevent people from accessing even the simplest aspects of the tradition. In this work, I hoped to break down some of those barriers while also holding to the traditions that have been passed down to me.
What is the book about?
In Secret Art, I take the reader on a self-led journey through the basic principles and practices of the Reiki system, without the monetary trappings of traditional training. One might ask how I managed such a task? It is rather simple really, many of the practices are available to every human being without traditional training. Naturally, engaging in more rigorous and ritualistic training a student can enhance their natural abilities and become a more efficient healer or practitioner, but ultimately this is not the aim of Reiki.
Reiki was never meant to be used solely as a modality of healing, it was meant to be a comprehensive system of spiritual awakening that aids modern people in releasing themselves from the wheel of suffering. This was my aim in writing and designing the Secret Art, to provide a roadmap with practical exercises to untether oneself from suffering and awaken the soul.
A Journey to Your Core
Therefore in the book, I take you on a journey through the philosophy of awakening as provided by traditional Reiki training. I also instruct you on how to access the full power of Reiki meditation to aid the process of awakening. Dovetail that into a comprehensive methodology for self-healing through meditation and mantra. Finally, I drop you right into the action with a ritual and a 21-day program of self-reflection to kick start the process of awakening to the true self.
Naturally, I didn’t stop there because after you complete reading and doing the 21-day practice, I invite you to join me on the private Facebook group where continued training and education can bring you further insight and development along the path to spiritual revelation.
I look forward to sharing more in the coming days!