Meditation is NOT Always Peaceful

A Reflection on the Challenge of Mindfulness

Say it with me! Meditation is not always peaceful!

We often hear about meditation and mindfulness as a way to relieve stress, anxiety, and depression. It’s easy to think of it as a soothing practice that can bring us peace and tranquility. However, this isn’t always the case.

In fact, many of the most successful meditations are those where we experience difficulty or struggle – this is when we are actually doing our most important internal work. In this blog post, we’ll be exploring why meditation isn’t always peaceful and why it’s important to embrace the challenge of mindfulness.

The Problem with Packaging Meditation as “Peaceful”

When we think of meditation, it can be easy to assume that it requires us to be in a peaceful state of mind in order for it to be effective. This couldn’t be further from the truth. The problem is that the practice is packaged as something that is meant to dull pain and suffering – which often leads people away from trying meditation at all! The reality is that meditation is not a medication; rather, it’s a practice geared toward realization. That realization includes being able to sift through negative thoughts and patterns that cloud our vision and ultimately lead us toward spiritual clarity.

How Do I Know What Kind Of Meditation Is Right For Me?

This practice is everyone’s birthright and natural state of being – but unfortunately, the way it’s packaged often isn’t for everyone. Understanding what type of mediation best suits your needs might require some trial-and-error experimentation. Try various methods until you find what works best for you. It’s also important to remember not to give up if your first few attempts don’t result in positive feelings right away. Sometimes the most difficult sessions are when we do our best work internally.

Meditation doesn’t always have to look like sitting quietly with eyes closed in absolute peace.

Sometimes it looks like wrestling with yourself internally over uncomfortable topics or issues you’d rather avoid facing head-on. It’s okay if your sessions aren’t peaceful – in fact, they may even be more productive than peaceful ones! Meditation is a process that works, especially when we understand what it is at its core. When we grasp the appropriate understand it becomes the key to peace.

It’s OK, that Meditation is NOT Always Peaceful!

Everyone will have their own unique journey when it comes to discovering which type of meditation works best for them. Don’t become discouraged if one method doesn’t seem quite right – instead, keep searching until you find one that does! Remember that meditation should never feel like a chore. Make sure you approach each session with an open mind and an eagerness for personal growth!

Are you struggling to find peace in your meditation practice?